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James Valentine

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Wednesday 8/4/21 Mesquite NV to Capistrano Beach

By James Valentine 4 August 2021365.1 mi Motorcycling

0 mi

O dark thirty.. 4:00 am and it’s still in the 90’s

84.5 mi

80 miles later, Las Vegas and traffic at 6:00 am

116.3 mi

This Terrible Hearst gas station is the largest I’ve seen and funny..

126.5 mi

Massive solar array at Stateline

139.2 mi

4711 ft

153.8 mi

If you look closely, a Joshua tree forest …

172.6 mi

Baker CA, home of the Mad Greek Cafe and the worlds largest thermometer

174.8 mi

127 mph

187.1 mi

Approaching Barstow CA

338.2 mi

In OC, Rick and I split up to head to our respective homes

365.1 mi

Tan, rested, and ready again!

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James Valentine

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