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James Valentine

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Eagle CO to Green River UT via Steamboat Springs

By James Valentine 2 August 2021375.5 mi Motorcycling

28.3 mi

Rolling at 8:00 am and backtracking what we rode down yesterday

36.4 mi

No rain yet!

39.4 mi

8583 ft

50.8 mi

Finger Rock

187.9 mi

It was dry and the sky was amazing today

198.8 mi
221.4 mi

After our 200 mile return, back on I-70 west to Grand Junction

234.7 mi

And the traffic was very light!

242.8 mi

96 mph

255.9 mi

Tunnel on the interstate near Grand Junction

266.6 mi
282.9 mi

The ride to Green River UT from Grand Junction CO

292.8 mi

Clouds hug the surrounding mountains

306.4 mi

Border between the states

318.4 mi

It’s a 100 mile desert type stretch…

331.8 mi

Nothing to do but to enjoy the vastness…

341.6 mi

And keep yourself alert…

349.5 mi

It’s about 88 degrees in the shade….

363.1 mi
370.8 mi

You can see the rain ahead as we approach Green River

375.4 mi

Stop for the day in Green River UT

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James Valentine

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