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James Valentine

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Sunday, 8/1/21 Rapid City SD to Eagle CO

By James Valentine 1 August 2021501.2 mi Motorcycling

6.5 mi

Earley start and clear and cool in the black hills

32.7 mi

First “wash my hands” stop

83.5 mi

Now heading out of the black hills region, the landscape changes to prairie

103 mi
219.1 mi
256.2 mi

1/2 way done for the day - clear, warmer and big sky country

271.6 mi

Finally the landscape changes a bit

332.3 mi

93 mph

334.5 mi

Rockies in the distance…

386.1 mi

Plateau area of the Rockies

399.9 mi

Now we are trying to get across the plateau before the clouds gather and party

442.4 mi

9557 ft

476.8 mi

It don’t look good….

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James Valentine

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