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James Valentine

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Death Valley Day 3

By James Valentine 20 April 202155.7 mi Motorcycling

0 mi

10 mph

0.8 mi

Unload the truck at the Crater

7.5 mi

First break to enjoy the scenery

10.7 mi

Another break on this beautiful day

12.1 mi

4957 ft

21.3 mi

Tea Kettle Junction

22.6 mi

Tending to Avi’s wound

26.2 mi

The Grandstand

26.7 mi

Playing around at the Playa

27.7 mi

The magical rocks at The Racetrack

35.2 mi

A break at a cactus forest

37.6 mi

Another stop before the leg to the truck

55.1 mi

It’s windy here at the crater

55.6 mi

Truck loaded me ready to head back to the ranch

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James Valentine

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