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タイソン阿佐ヶ谷 Tyson Asagaya

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Por タイソン阿佐ヶ谷 Tyson Asagaya • 5 Janeiro 2019 • 58 km pedaladas

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タイソン阿佐ヶ谷 Tyson Asagaya

I bought a gravel bike from 2019 and am addicted to cycling. After Cycling Around Taiwan and Shikoku, my ultimate goal is cycling around Japan.I am 65 years old. 2019年からグラベルバイクを買って、サイクリングにはまっています。環島をやり、四国一周をやりました。最終の目標は、こまぎれ日本一周サイクリングです。67歳です。

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Veja suas aventuras, adicione suas fotos e compartilhe as melhores com seus amigos e família. Instale o app Relive para Android!

Veja suas aventuras, adicione suas fotos e compartilhe as melhores com seus amigos e família. Instale o app Relive para iPhone!

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