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William Duplessis

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Freeport Bahamas to Boynton FL

Par William Duplessis • 1 Juin 2019 • 88 mi autre

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William Duplessis

Married to my beautiful wife Gina. We have two beautiful gray male cats Aries & Leo, spoiled rotten that we love so much. Riding jetskis is a true passion we both enjoy doing with friends & family. Our favorite & best vacations with them have been crossing the Gulf Stream heading to the beautiful Bahama Islands. Bimini Bahamas being our favorite destination. Eat, sleep & dream being on the water everyday. Most of the great people in our lives we consider family we have meant on Jetskis!

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Visualisez vos aventures, ajoutez vos photos et partagez les meilleures avec vos amis et votre famille. Téléchargez l'application Relive pour Android !

Visualisez vos aventures, ajoutez vos photos et partagez les meilleures avec vos amis et votre famille. Téléchargez l'application Relive pour iPhone !

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